Today is Mother's Day and all over the world we celebrate the contribution of mothers to our social network and wellbeing. The Gospel story today is about a persistent mother…
Jesus and the Syro-Phoenician woman - a story of the persistence of a parent seeking blessing for her child from Jesus. The video clip tells the story from Mark's Gospel.…
In today's Gospel reading Jesus heals a man with leprosy but there are several puzzling elements in this passage. This Youtube clip gives a short visual story of this incident.…
This miracle where Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding feast is the first miracle recorded in John's gospel. It is also notable that it is only recorded in…
Jesus and the Syro-Phoenician woman - a story of the persistence of a parent. I couldn't find any meaningful Youtube clip to go with this story so this week it's…
Jesus walks on the water and the disciples declare 'Truly you are the Son of God'. This is a private miracle, witnessed only by the disciples, rather than a public…
Jesus feeds the five thousand - the Youtube clip is a reenactment of this event from Zeffirelli's movie Jesus of Nazareth