The Gospel passage for today's reading is known by some scholars as Jesus' Manifesto. Using the reading from the prophet Isaiah Jesus sets out the purpose and scope of his…
Today our sermon topic is about loving your enemies. Perhaps more than anything else, this is one of the characteristics of Christians that is the most striking witness to the…
Jesus responds to a number of questions put to him by the Pharisees and Sadducees. These questions are designed to trick or trap Jesus but Jesus is up for the…
Jesus' transfiguration is an example of a mountaintop experience (literally) for Jesus and the inner circle of three disciples he takes with him. But after the mountaintop - there is…
This week's podcast is a reflection on John 3:14 - 21 which includes the most famous verse in the Bible - John 3:16. Yet even this well-known verse is misinterpreted…
This week we consider the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. Baptism signifies the beginning of a believer's walk with God and is a significant moment in the spiritual…
This month we continue our focus on the Bible with an analysis of how important the Tanakh or Old Testament was to Jesus and His Ministry. The Youtube clip is…
Jesus raises Lazarus - clip from Franco Zefferelli's Jesus of Nazareth