The doctrine of the Trinity is something that is woven through scripture, even though the actual word 'trinity' does not appear in the Bible. In this passage, Jesus speaks about…
Today is Mother's Day and all over the world we celebrate the contribution of mothers to our social network and wellbeing. The Gospel story today is about a persistent mother…
The road to Emmaus is a story of doubt and despair - followed by hope - as Jesus meets two disciples walking to Emmaus after the crucifixion and resurrection. This…
Today's gospel deals with the story of Thomas - known more commonly to us as 'doubting Thomas'. However, we do well to remember that Thomas came through his doubts and…
On Ascension Sunday the church celebrates Jesus returning to heaven. We can ask ourselves three questions in relation to the ascension: What is the ascension? What does it tell us…
Today's podcast is a book review of C.S. Lewis' book The Four Loves. Published in 1960, the book analyses the four Greek words for love - storge (affection), philia (friendship), eros (erotic/romantic love), and agape (God's unconditional love…
In this passage from John, Jesus declares the final of a series of 'I am' statements that are scattered through John 6 to John 15. This last statement is 'I…
The road to Emmaus is a story of doubt and despair - followed by hope - as Jesus meets two disciples walking to Emmaus after the crucifixion and resurrection. This…
Today's gospel deals with the story of Thomas - known more commonly to us as 'doubting Thomas'. However, we do well to remember that Thomas came through his doubts and…
Jesus reveals His glory and prays for His disciples including us today. The Youtube clip is a worship song giving glory to God by Maranatha! Music