Jesus enters Jerusalem and is acclaimed by the crowds who proclaim him as king. Ironically, a few days from now, the sign above him on the cross will say "Jesus…
Today our teaching focus is on an incident in the final days of Jesus’ life on earth from John’s gospel (John 12:1 – 8), which is also recorded in Luke’s…
Today’s Gospel reading continues the record of Jesus’ teaching while he is on the way to his final destiny in Jerusalem. As I have mentioned in previous sermons, this scripture…
In this gospel passage Jesus refuses to answer the question ' why does suffering happen?' Instead he directs the disciples to examine their own lives and turn away from any…
Jesus' transfiguration is an example of a mountaintop experience (literally) for Jesus and the inner circle of three disciples he takes with him. But after the mountaintop - there is…
At the start of his ministry, Jesus is sent out by the Holy Spirit into the Judean wilderness where he faces three temptations by the devil. As is often the…