Podcast Fifty-seven James’ Advice to Christians – Lectio Divina
August 29, 2021

Podcast Fifty-seven James’ Advice to Christians – Lectio Divina

Passage: James 1:17 - 27
Service Type:

Today's podcast is a little bit different in that we will be using a Bible Study method called Lectio Divina. This means 'divine reading' and is a Benedictine monastic tradition from the 6th. Century. In this method, first we pray and invite God to speak to us. Then we listen to the text being read three times. The first time, we simply listen. The second time we look for a word, phrase or sentence to be brought to our attention. We ponder the word, phrase or sentence and consider its meaning for us. The third reading, we consider what Christ is saying to us. What do we need to do or consider or relinquish or take on as a result of what God is saying to us in this word or phrase. In the silence that follows the third reading, we pray for the grace of the Spirit to plant this word into our heart.

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